Abstract This paper combines documentation research with historic-sociological method to explore the relationships among streaming in education, educational attainment,and social stratification.The paper is divided into seven sections. The major concerns of these sections are as follows:(1)relevant views on social stratification which constitute a theoretical base for an analysis of the relationship between educational streaming and social stratification;(2)educational streaming in the Chinese Mainland in the 1990s,wish an emphasis on graduates of the junior secondary and senior secondary levels of schooling;(3)the occupational categories and level of education of people whose occupations fall within those categories;(4)the occupations and level of education of people serving in those occupations;(5)the level of education of those people who do not work and those who are unemployed, and the relationship between level of education and their situation;(6)the relationship between social mobility and level of education;(7) the effects of streaming in education and level of education on people's occupational orientation and social mobility. By addressing the above concerns, this paper concludes that streaming in education and level of education have a general effect on people's occupational category, occupation, employability, and social mobility. The aforementioned factors also have an effect on the process of social stratification, which is "western" in origin, affords a certain degree of relevance to explaining social stratification in Chinese society in the 1990s.
Lu Naigui Xu Qingyu. An Analysis On the General Relationships between Educational Streeming
and Social Statification in Mainland of China in the 1990s[J]. journal1, 2002, 2(1): 101-152.