Abstract In July, August and November, 2001, I had a chance to do field work in Tuozhi Village, Yongning, Ninglang County, Yunnan Province in Southwest China. This investigation is a sub-project of “Sociocultural Construction of State Education in Southwest China” program which was supported by Ford Foundation. This article is based on the investigation.
In this article nationalization and globalization are discussed along with State Education and local knowledge resources, and the variances between ethnic groups, which involve Na, Yi, Zhongjia(Zhuang), Zang and Pumi. Different methods were uesd in the process of investigation, including sampling, participate observation, and interviews. In the narration, we use many emic expressions quoted from my field notes and records of interviews. They would be helpful for my efforts to attain thick depiction of the spaces of cultural powers.
The article consists of four sections. Section one is a introduction casting back the local history of State Education which was growing with the progress of nationalization. In section two, we describe interactions between different cultural powers in the field, including symbolism in the Na house, social gender roles and other representations. In section three, “Between the Inside and the Outside”, we are seeking the probability of an organic whole composed by State Education and local knowledge resources. And in the last section, we discuss that the development of State Education should be of local standard.
When we mention the transfers and distributions of knowledge resources, some concepts from space social theories are uesd in order to describe the interactional relationship between cultural powers. As for the apply side, this article might be uesd as a referrence by the assigner of State Education frames. |